Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday Words for Your Heart

Happy Hump Day!
One of the things I'm adding to my blog this year is "Wednesday Words for Your Heart".  I recently started following Holley can see her blog here.  She is a Christian author and has an inspiring blog! 
She started "Coffee for your heart" this year.  It is supposed to represent a time each week that she would sit and have coffee with you...and over coffee...these are the topics that may come up. 
Today's topic:
What encouraging words do you want the people you care about to hear as they begin the New Year?
So...sit back, relax, and grab your c...cup o' Jo...'cause here we go...
1.  You are beautiful!  God created you just as you are, for His Glory, and I wish you could see all that you have to offer this world!  Do not sell yourself short in 2014.
2. Dream a wild adventure...then live it out this year, Love like tomorrow is your last day, and inspire others to be their best!
3. I am so blessed to have you in my life!  Thank you for loving me, listening to me, laughing with me, and always encouraging me to follow my heart and my dreams.
4.  LOVE resides here...He is alive today...working in you and working in make us more like Him. 
So...wrap yourself in His love today...bask in His Greatness and in His Glory!
5.  Whatever you do...make today a "happy day"!
Thanks for stopping by!
Expect miracles, laugh often, and always color outside the lines.

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